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View  Our Schedule

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  • Monterey Peninsula Quilters Guild has a General Meeting on the First Monday of the month (with a few holiday exceptions).  From March through October they will be IN-PERSON at the Pacific Grove Community Center, 515 Junipero Street ( at 15th ST) in PG.  We will ZOOM November, January  and February meetings.  We will gather together for our Holiday Party in December.

  • Our meeting starts with a Social time at 6:30pm followed by a special presentation at 7pm.   The speakers are nationally and internationally known quilters. 

  •  All members will receive a Zoom link the day of the ZOOM meetings.

  • There is a guest fee of $5 for meetings with speakers.


General Meeting and lecture

In-person and Zoom

March 3, 2025

7:00 PM

Pati Fried

Finding My Voice


I discovered quilting 25 years ago. My roots are in traditional quilting, but the clean aesthetics of Modern Design appeals to my background in Graphic Design. This has led me on a quest to merge what I love most of these to styles to express my own voice in my work.
Follow along as I share my ups and downs, successes and failures, and tips on how to find your own voice.


Find out more about Pati at:


General Meeting and Lecture 
In-Person and Zoom
April 7, 2025
7:00 PM

Sarah Goer
Building a Color Palette

Sarah Goer is a former middle school math teacher turned quilt teacher who is primarily inspired by geometry and architecture and loves bold, vibrant, saturated color. Much of Sarah’s work is created from a perspective of “planned improv”, working from a set of rules she created for herself.
Sarah loves color and looks forward to telling you all about how she uses color to create dynamic compositions. Through a slide show of her work, Sarah will discuss a wide variety of ways to choose color for your quilts. She will discuss ways to look at your fabric collection with new eyes. 

Find out more about Sarah at:


General Meeting and Lecture 
In-Person and Zoom
June 2, 2025
7:00 PM

Karen Bolan
Learn With Every Quilt
Karen Bolan is a quilter in Santa Rosa, California. Drawn to the layers of design and expression possible in quilting, she loves the learning that comes from experimenting. She endeavors to find efficiencies in process and material use. Her designs are out of the box, and integrate a love of geometry, experimentation, interconnection, depth, and texture. Her work has been featured in magazines including Curated Quilts, Modern Quilt Guild Journal, Make Modern, and
Modish Quilter. Her quilts have been exhibited at local and international quilt shows including Pacific International Quilt Festival and QuiltCon. 
You can learn more about Karen’s work by visiting her website at


Zoom Workshop for MPQG members!
June 7, 2025
9:30 AM - 3:30 PM

Karen Bolan

Piece Curves and Play with Transparency


Are you intimidated by curves but love precision piecing? Start the Cool as a Cactus quilt in

class, featuring pieced curves, a unique border treatment, and color palette that features

transparency. Class will begin with an exercise in creating transparency effects, then we

work from paper templates to accurately cut and piece large diameter curves. Learn to cut

and precisely piece large-diameter curves from templates, assemble a quilt top with pieced

borders, and plan a color palette that includes a transparency effect.  Leave class with at least one block and border complete.


Cost: $65 for MPQG members


Students must purchase the digital pattern from Karen


Find out more about Karen at:


May 2 to 4, 2025

Quilts by the Bay 

Chautauqua Hall

Pacific Grove

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General Meeting and Sponsor's Showcase
July 7, 2025
7:00 PM

Mary Ellen Parsons

It All Started with a Wild Goose Chase

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